I do feel that LinkedIn now is at a point where if you're using it as a client acquisition tool, as we do, then you have to really go all out to win it. The big takeaway from me here isn't just the great tactics but the overall approach of committing far more time, energy, and resources to win it.

Great value here.

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Thank you so much for your feedback. I am delighted you enjoyed the post. I made a 100K funnel on LinkedIn. Some colleagues have made millions for their SaaS, so it definitely works if you do it right. It takes time and a lot of energy, and it is easy to get into screen-sucking overwhelmed mode, but for B2B, it is too good to miss ✌️

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Fantastic value here - thank you. The detailed meta-analyses are great and are also what I find is missing in most commentary about LinkedIn.

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Thanks so much for your comment and engagement on LinkedIn. 🙏 I do not get a lot of comments here, so I celebrate each and every one of them. Thanks for making my day and happy weekend!

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My pleasure! Thanks for the great post.

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