Awesome read! Thanks Maja

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Thanks so much for the feedback. So glad you liked it. Any hints for future Substack topics?

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Not sure have you covered this anywhere, but I like to learn more about GTM dedicated for B2C AI product

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Dearly noted. Was that too B2B for you https://gtmstrategist.substack.com/p/how-ai-products-go-to-market? Re case: 70% of tactics used would be super-similar. Have a great week!

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Thanks :) I read the post, it has interesting insights and would love to see more case studies of direct B2C startups

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Got it; maybe in the future. 90% of my portfolio is B2B atm. For B2C, I like to follow Jim Huffman https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVK09TVkM=/?share_link_id=800083000171. Here are my notes from his "sold out" framework solo podcast episode. So good!

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Wow this is good, thanks Maja!

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This is an epic post Maja - very nicely done. 👏

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Thank you so much, Ben. I learn from the best in class. I learn from you. ✌️

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